Retrieved 8 October In Kuntibhoj, Princess Kuntisister of Vasudev obtained a boon from sage Durvasa, where she could invoke any deity and could bear his child. Duryodhanyounger than Yudhisthir, the eldest Pandav. Retrieved 10 April Kunti, an unwed mother, set Karna afloat on the river Ganga with a heavy heart, in order to avoid the embarrassment of having a child before marriage to her father and the kingdom. Adirath, a charioteer and his wife Radha found Karna on the banks of river Ganga and raised him as their own.īut he later agreed when Bhishma persuaded them that Dhritrashtra would be the future king of Hastinapur. Writing for Rediff, Nishi Tiwari wrote that “If it maintains the quality of writing and able actors who portray key characters, we may have another winner among us”. Retrieved 11 May The two remaining sons of Pandu Nakul and Sahadev were born of Madri.

Episodes You can watch this in: The viewership ratings of the week of 1 December reached 9, TVTs. Mahabharat a story of love, hatred, philosophies, dread, regret, anger, justice, injustice, power, insecurities, support, betrayal. Its premiere had a viewership of approximately 8. The battle saw the deaths of Bhishma, Karna among many. Bhisma swears an oath to forever stay a ‘servant to the throne of Hastinapur.

In Kuntibhoj, Princess Kunti, sister of Vasudev obtained a boon from sage Durvasa, where she could invoke any deity and could bear his child. Thus Karna made a vow to protect Duryodhan throughout his lifetime and fought on his behalf against the Pandavs in the Kurukshetra War. Retrieved 26 September She is given the choice to marry Vichitravirya like her sisters and become the queen of Hastinapur, but a virtuous Amba demands Bhisma to marry her since it was Bhisma who unwillingly ‘won’ her in the swaymavara.